These Terraform modules can provision a highly available Vault cluster with the Consul storage backend.
You can use the vault-consul module to deploy the Vault cluster using a pre-existing Consul installation. The vault-transit module can be used to setup the transit engine used for auto-unsealing another Vault cluster (they rely on each other for auto-unsealing).
- Deploy Vault 1 (e.g. with vault-consul) - do NOT enable auto-unseal yet.
- Repeat for Vault 2.
- Deploy vault-transit for Vault 1 and Vault 2.
- Enable auto-unseal for Vault 1 and init seal migration. You need to restart the Vault server pods.
- Repeat for Vault 2.
HA Vault with Consul storage
module "vault1" {
source = ""
release_name = "vault1"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.vault.metadata[0].name
vault_domain = yamldecode(kubectl_manifest.vault1_certificate.yaml_body_parsed)["spec"]["dnsNames"][0]
consul_address = ""
auto_unseal_enable = true
auto_unseal_vault_service_address = ""
auto_unseal_vault_mount_path = "vault-transit"
auto_unseal_vault_role = "vault-unseal"
tls_secret_name = yamldecode(kubectl_manifest.vault1_certificate.yaml_body_parsed)["spec"]["secretName"]
ingress_ssl_passthrough_enable = true
Transit Secret Engine for Auto Unseal
module "vault_transit1" {
depends_on = [module.vault1]
providers = {
vault = vault.vault1
source = ""
name = "vault2"
namespace = "vault2"