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Terraform Modules

1 - Terraform K3s

Provision a HA K3s cluster on OpenStack, Hetzner or anything else.

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Provisions K3s nodes and is able to build a cluster from multiple nodes.

You can use the k3s module to template the necessary cloudinit files for creating a K3s cluster node. Modules for OpenStack and Hetzner hcloud that bundle all necessary resources are available.

Supported Cloud Providers

  • OpenStack
  • Hetzner Cloud (hcloud)



This module provides the templating of the user_data for use with cloud-init.

module "k3s_server" {
  source = "git::"

  name             = "k3s-server"
  cluster_token    = "abcdef"
  k3s_ip           = ""
  install_k3s_exec = "server --disable traefik --node-label az=ex1"

output "server_user_data" {
  value     = module.k3s_server.user_data
  sensitive = true


With this module a single K3s node can be deployed with OpenStack. It internally uses the k3s module. Depending on the supplied parameters the node will initialize a new cluster or join an existing cluster as a server or agent.

module "server" {
  source = "git::"

  name               = "k3s-server"
  image_name         = "ubuntu-20.04"
  flavor_name        = "m1.small"
  availability_zone  = "ex"
  keypair_name       = "keypair"
  network_id         = var.network_id
  subnet_id          = var.subnet_id
  security_group_ids = []

  cluster_token          = "abcdef"
  install_k3s_exec       = "server --disable traefik --node-label az=ex" // if using bootstrap-auth include "--kube-apiserver-arg=\"enable-bootstrap-token-auth\""
  bootstrap_token_id     = "012345"
  bootstrap_token_secret = "0123456789abcdef"


The necessary security-group for the K3s cluster can be deployed with this module.

module "secgroup" {
  source = "git::"


With this module a single K3s node can be deployed with hcloud. It internally uses the k3s module. Depending on the supplied parameters the node will initialize a new cluster or join an existing cluster as a server or agent.

module "server" {
  source = "git::"

  name          = "k3s-server"
  keypair_name  = "keypair"
  network_id    = var.network_id
  network_range = var.ip_range

  cluster_token          = "abcdef"
  install_k3s_exec       = "server --disable traefik --node-label az=ex" // if using bootstrap-auth include "--kube-apiserver-arg=\"enable-bootstrap-token-auth\"""
  bootstrap_token_id     = "012345"
  bootstrap_token_secret = "0123456789abcdef"


To access the cluster an optional bootstrap token can be installed on the cluster. To install the token specify the parameters bootstrap_token_id and bootstrap_token_secret on the server that initializes the cluster. For ease of use this module can be used to retrieve the CA certificate from the cluster. The module also outputs a kubeconfig with the bootstrap token. Please keep in mind that the connection to retrieve the CA certificate cannot be secure as the certificate cannot be verified. Additionally this module makes use of the scottwinkler/shell provider. Please make sure you only supply trusted values to the module.

module "bootstrap_auth" {
  source     = "git::"
  // depends_on = [module.secgroup] // if using OpenStack

  k3s_url = module.server1.k3s_external_url
  token   = local.token


  • basic: basic usage of the k3s module with one server and one agent node
  • ha-hcloud: 3 Servers and 1 Agent with bootstrap token on Hetzner Cloud
  • ha-openstack: 3 Servers and 1 Agent with bootstrap token on OpenStack


MacOS users need to install coreutils for the timeout command used by the bootstrap-auth module:

brew install coreutils



cd tests/basic
go test -count=1 -v


cd tests/ha-openstack
cp env.sample .env
$EDITOR .env
go test -count=1 -v


cd tests/ha-hcloud
cp env.sample .env
$EDITOR .env
go test -count=1 -v

2 - Terraform Vault

Provision a HA Vault cluster with Consul storage and auto unseal.

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These Terraform modules can provision a highly available Vault cluster with the Consul storage backend.

You can use the vault-consul module to deploy the Vault cluster using a pre-existing Consul installation. The vault-transit module can be used to setup the transit engine used for auto-unsealing another Vault cluster (they rely on each other for auto-unsealing).


  1. Deploy Vault 1 (e.g. with vault-consul) - do NOT enable auto-unseal yet.
  2. Repeat for Vault 2.
  3. Deploy vault-transit for Vault 1 and Vault 2.
  4. Enable auto-unseal for Vault 1 and init seal migration. You need to restart the Vault server pods.
  5. Repeat for Vault 2.


HA Vault with Consul storage

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module "vault1" {
  source                            = ""
  release_name                      = "vault1"
  namespace                         = kubernetes_namespace.vault.metadata[0].name
  vault_domain                      = yamldecode(kubectl_manifest.vault1_certificate.yaml_body_parsed)["spec"]["dnsNames"][0]
  consul_address                    = ""
  auto_unseal_enable                = true
  auto_unseal_vault_service_address = ""
  auto_unseal_vault_mount_path      = "vault-transit"
  auto_unseal_vault_role            = "vault-unseal"
  tls_secret_name                   = yamldecode(kubectl_manifest.vault1_certificate.yaml_body_parsed)["spec"]["secretName"]
  ingress_ssl_passthrough_enable    = true

Transit Secret Engine for Auto Unseal

module "vault_transit1" {
  depends_on = [module.vault1]
  providers = {
    vault = vault.vault1
  source    = ""
  name      = "vault2"
  namespace = "vault2"

3 - Terraform Pihole

4 - Terraform Rancher

5 - Terraform Wireguard